Monday, January 19, 2009


***How we will submit the registration form? Is it via e-mail or we will be submitting it to the competition secretariat personally?

- you can submit your registration thru e-mail by scanning the filled-up registration form and the deposit slip for the registration fee. Or you can send them by mail to the competition secretariat. Attach a copy of your registration form in your submission of entries.

***If we are joining as a team, do each member has individual registration form? If not, on what part of registration form we will be writing the names of the group member? And, do we still need to provider personal information on each team member?

- for team entry, you can write the personal information of the team leader only and the names of the members can be written at the lower portion of the registration form. Or, you can have all the members each fill up a registration form and indicate on the upper part if team leader or team member and submit together in one group or file.

***i would like to ask if student categories should also provide cost estimate? and another thing is how should we submit the registration requirements?

-yes, student entries should also provide cost estimate. For registration requirements pls. refer to competition manual we sent you or in this blog.

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